Dance in SchoolsEducating DanceSchoolsCoronation Celebrations 2

Jenny went to Steephill School for the Day to deliver Coronation Celebration dance lessons. Everyone had a lot of fun and she’s written about it below. Find out more about our other Coronation Celebrations by clicking on the link below.
I had an amazing day at Steephill Independent School and Pre-school delivering Coronation themed Education Dance workshops to all of their classes.
When I arrived at the school all the children were arriving in their homemade crowns, dressed in red, white and blue and I couldn’t wait to start teaching.
Throughout the day, the workshops focused on the Coronation regalia symbols and the Coronation procession. Each class had slightly different tasks to relate to their Key stage but each class and each child showed their creativity, enthusiasm and fantastic ideas.

For the Preschool and Reception class our focus was the St Edwards Coronation Crown. We explored the idea of finding the crown jewels and going on a jewel hunt whilst listening to an instrumental version of ‘Diamonds are forever’. The children loved moving in different ways, levels and pathways.
We then explored the different textures of the crown and the jewels by feeling the textures of velvet, fur and a shiny material and then creating interesting movements for smooth, furry, soft and fluffy. We made different shapes for the jewels and made some sparkly movements with our fingers and hands.
I was really impressed with the children and the ideas they produced. We finished dancing with union jack flags to the song ‘Coronation of King Charles III’ and made a mini procession.
For KS1 and KS2 the children started their warm up by marching around the room and I held up one of the Coronation coloured scarfs which the children then had to perform a corresponding movement which varied depending on the age group. We then put some of these movements in a short routine mixed with a procession march whilst each child had a different coloured scarf which we used as flags.
Next I gave the children the task of creating their own movements based on the different shapes, colours and representations of the Coronation Regalia. We had the St Edwards Coronation Crown, the Orb, the Sceptre, the Golden spoon for the Holy oil, the Coronation Chair and the Coronation Carriage. Years 1-3 created different movements and shapes in their groups to show some of the different objects, using different levels, points of contact and using different body parts to show the symbolic cross shapes of the regalia.

For Years 4-6 they also had the added task of adding in linking movements relating to the royal procession. I gave them different movement words on que cards for them to use as inspiration to add linking their key positions and movements for the regalia together. I was blown away with some of the ideas and also how they performed their ideas. The year 5’s added some fantastic acting skills too which gave an extra layer to their work.
For the year 6’s I gave them one more task of adding in an ending position for their dance based on the architecture of Westminster Abbey. We talked about the significance of the abbey and each group had to choose whether to represent the inside or outside of the building. This gave a great finish to their dances.
I felt so welcomed by all the staff and children at the school and I had the best day to help celebrate the historical event of the King’s Coronation.