Dance in SchoolsSchoolsShow Time at Palace Wood

We have two dance clubs running at Palace Wood Primary School, street dance and cheer dance. Erica has been teaching there for almost a year now and they’ve really been enjoying themselves. They had a show at the end of last term and Erica has shared what they’ve been up to below.
Written by TRS Teacher, Erica
Street Dance
What a half term, and we even finished off with a performance of our pirate inspired street dance to so many of the pupils parents/guardians and teachers.
Throughout the weeks we’ve explored pirate maps, flags, life on board a ship and had so much fun doing it! Luckily, no one walked the plank and I even got to have the nickname ‘Mrs Love Cheeks’ chosen by one pupil “because you’re so lovely” in her words.
We took inspiration from life on board a pirate ship to create our own moves such as ‘ducking from the seagulls, rolling up the rope and showing us your pirate boots’.
All the children have worked collaboratively to choreograph their own sections of being on the ocean waves and we even learnt an arm wave. I think the highlight for many of the children was learning the break dancing move, the ‘coffee grinder’.

Cheer Dance
I have had an incredible group of young ladies participating in Cheer Dance this term at Palace Wood. Every single one of them has wholly given 100% energy and effort and its been such a pleasure to teach them.
Every week we have done our cheer drills and the accuracy and strength of each one has improved immensely. They have worked in smaller groups to assist one another as well as individually to show off their abilities such as cartwheels and splits. One child said “I love cheer dance as I get to do gymnastic moves” with another saying “you’re the best teacher Erica”.
As a group we choreographed a routine with input from everyone and we explored various cheer jumps and basic pyramids. The children loved this part and even I got involved in the more complex ones.