Dance in SchoolsEducating DanceJourney To Space

Written by Jenny, TRS Teacher
Last term I worked with the year 2 classes at Snodland C of E Primary school and they produced some wonderful dances exploring an Astronauts journey into space.
The children learnt about the different parts of an astronauts space suit and how it helps them survive the conditions in space. They learnt key movement for each part of the space suit and put them together in their own motifs as well as using some of their own movements and formations. They also enjoyed using sound effects for each movement to help them.
“My favourite movement was the back pack- we took a big breath to show the oxygen pack”
We then looked at the Endevour Space Shuttle and it’s different components. Each group created their own spaceship shape using different levels, body parts and body shapes. Each group came up with such different ideas. We then learnt the importance of stillness in dance and the children held their shapes so beautifully.
The children all then learnt a motif which they performed in unison to signify taking off in their spaceships into space. They used different dynamics in this motif and we talked about stretching our bodies as far as they will go to extend the movement.
“I love how this group created their shape on the floor” Teacher feedback

The next section the children explored the idea of zero gravity in space. They started by learning 4 movements which showed the idea of floating in space. They then created their own movements and linked them together using the 5 dance actions. There were some excellent ideas from all groups and they really thought about their dynamics too using fluid, slow movements to create the feeling of zero gravity.
“My favourite part of our dance was showing our planet. We had Saturn and linked our arms together for the rings”
The last section of their dances explored the planets. Each group was given a paper plate with a picture of a planet on one side and 4 key facts about the planet on the other side. They picked 3 facts about their planet to create their last motif and finished with an ending position to show their planet. There were some really creative ideas showing volcanos, rocky surfaces, ice, heat and rings.
At the end of the term each class gave a performance to their parents and teachers. They performed so well and confidently and had a great sense of achievement at the end!
I have really enjoyed working with year 2 and am looking forward to working with year 1 next term with their theme in science – Animals.
“A wonderful energetic performance full of fun and imagination for the children. You could feel and see the delight they took in expressing their idea of becoming an Astronaut and going up into space!” Parent feedback