Dance ClubsDance in SchoolsSchoolsCarnival To Canterbury
Last term at The Canterbury Primary we worked on a group dance with Carnival as our theme. We explored the high energy atmosphere and incredibly colourful parades displayed at carnivals in Brazil. Use of colourful scarves, ribbon sticks and egg shakers helped us along the way. Bringing Carnival to Canterbury was so much fun!
Find out more about Rio Carnival by clicking HERE.
Find out more about Dance Clubs in schools by clicking HERE.
We came up with some of our own moves to perform as a group – encapsulating the collective experience of these annual events. We even managed to fit in a ‘follow the leader’ section, giving the dancers ownership of their individual contribution to the piece.
Dancers learnt some of the basic steps of Frevo, a traditional dance style associated with carnivals in Brazil. This dance style is very athletic and bouncy.
Alongside Frevo, we even managed to incorporate some of our street dance moves from last term! If you look closely you might spot the BartSsimpson and the grapevine!
All of the students have been amazing , and their parents thought so too when they came to watch a sharing of their carnival piece this week! I’ve been very impressed with their team attitude and enthusiasm!
Well done to The Canterbury Primary! 🌟